Elixir ships with ex_unit
, its default testing framework. I never cease to be amazed at how fast ex_unit
is. It also ships with a lot of nice handy features I end up using daily in my job. It is part of why developing Elixir is such a nice experience with fast feedback cycles and useful, simple error reporting.
But what happens when we run mix test
Finished in 1.9 seconds
38 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 280579
Going into this, I had the feeling it was a bit of macro magic. I could guess ex_unit
made use of BEAM processes in a clever way and that’s what made it so fast. These were hunches, thoughts, ideas. It still wasn’t concrete.
What’s really happening behind the curtains?
Disclaimer: The codebase analysed is Elixir v1.8.1.
It all starts with the Elixir mix task for running the tests Mix.Tasks.Test
. And as we’ll see it ties nicely to our test/test_helper.ex
If we dive into the Elixir source code under lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/test.ex
we can find the definition of the mix test
task. It begins by defining a Cover
module (we’ll get there in a second). But it also defines a run/1
callback, like any mix task. It begins by parsing the options passed on to ExUnit, it does some sanity checks and chore, and finally decides whether or not to setup the coverage tool:
@cover [output: "cover", tool: Cover]
def run(args)
cover =
if opts[:cover] do
compile_path = Mix.Project.compile_path(project)
cover = Keyword.merge(@cover, project[:test_coverage] || [])
cover[:tool].start(compile_path, cover)
The cover tool is set to Cover
, the module we saw defined earlier. You can analyse the source code to find that Cover
is nothing but a custom module defining a nice wrapper around the Erlang :cover
tool. Among other things, it simplifies the way of reporting code coverage and provides ways of exporting coverage results to HTML and textual (or “console”) outputs.
defmodule Cover do
def start(compile_path, opts) do
:cover.compile_beam_directory(compile_path |> to_charlist)
fn ->
Mix.shell().info("\nGenerating cover results ...\n")
{:result, ok, _fail} = :cover.analyse(:coverage, :line)
console(module_results, totals, summary_opts)
html(module_results, opts)
instructs the BEAM to track coverage over the files on the project’s compile path. It then goes on to return a function which, once run, will do the actual exporting of the results displaying the result in the console, as well as producing an HTML coverage file.
Let’s get back to the run/1
callback of the mix task.
It does some house-cleaning and knob adjusting to, among other things, load our app, configure our ExUnit command line options once again and filter the allowed test files to be run.
And only then, actually requires and runs the code defined in our test files.
alias Mix.Compilers.Test, as: CT
def run(args) do
case CT.require_and_run(matched_test_files, test_paths, opts) do
{:ok, %{excluded: excluded, failures: failures, total: total}} ->
cover && cover.()
cond do
failures > 0 ->
System.at_exit(fn _ -> exit({:shutdown, 1}) end)
We get back the excluded, failures and total amount of test files that were run. If we had failures (and provided we didn’t use the --raise
or --only
options), we fall into the failures > 0
clause. In such case, we register a “CLI exit” with exit code 1
(instead of 0
for a successful exit) as the task’s exit handler function. If everything is green, on the other hand, we fallback to a normal exit not having to register a special “CLI exit” for that effect.
One Level Deep
At this point we have a bird’s eye view of how this process of running our tests starts (configuring ex_unit
, setting up the code coverage analysis tool and selecting the allowed test files to run) and a glimpse at how it ends (requiring those files, running them and analysing the results).
Now, let’s go a level deep, and see exactly how ex_unit
achieves the incredible level of parallelism it has come to be known for in actually requiring and running the tests.
As we previously saw, the starting point is CT
(an alias
for Mix.Compilers.Test
) which is a custom compiler specific for our testing purposes. CT.require_and_run/3
does some more chore for particular use cases and then it moves on to the really meaty part.
def require_and_run(matched_test_files, test_paths, opts) do
task = Task.async(ExUnit, :run, [])
try do
case Kernel.ParallelCompiler.require(test_files, parallel_require_callbacks) do
{:ok, _, _} -> :ok
{:error, _, _} -> exit({:shutdown, 1})
%{failures: failures} = results = Task.await(task, :infinity)
{:ok, results}
It creates an asynchronous task for running ExUnit.run/1
which will be awaited on after we instruct Kernel.ParallelCompiler
to require our test files and ensure modules are loaded (via ExUnit.Server.modules_loaded/0
Note #1
At this point you might be wondering where this ExUnit.Server
process (a GenServer
) gets started. It is :registered
in ex_unit
’s mix.exs
As per the Mix documentation:
- the name of all registered processes in the application. If your application defines a local GenServer with nameMyServer
, it is recommended to addMyServer
to this list. It is most useful in detecting conflicts between applications that register the same names.
This is just informational and a preventive measure when dealing with other applications, though. Where it really gets spawned is in ExUnit.start/1
, which you will have to call as part of your test/test_helper.exs
. That’s what kicks off ExUnit.start/2
creating the ExUnit.Supervisor
with ExUnit.Server
, ExUnit.CaptureServer
and ExUnit.OnExitHandler
under its wing.
Now you know why the minimal setup for test/test_helpers.exs
is a single-line file reading ExUnit.start()
. 😉
That’s quite a bit to digest. To recap, we start a process for running ExUnit.run/1
via an async task and that will be doing some work as tests are parallel-compiled. When the work is finished we await on that process (the task) to end and it will return back the structure with failures and other info (excluded, total, etc.). Parallel compilation is achieved using Kernel.ParallelCompiler.require/2
Note #2
That’s a lot of compilers. We’ve compiled our app from source, called Mix.Compilers.Test
and now Kernel.ParallelCompiler
. Before we continue, I want to take a brief moment to explain as best as I can the importance of the compilation process in ex_unit
and a bit of the way it works.
Compilers are important in ex_unit
because of the ExUnit.Case
clause you annotate your test modules with.
During test compilation we require the tests to be run via CT.require_and_run/3
. That compiles the test code in parallel as we saw (via Kernel.ParallelCompiler.require/2
). When you do use ExUnit.Case
at the top of your Elixir tests, you’re adding some specific behaviour whereby each time you use test
you really end up telling the compiler to unfold a macro that registers a test.
def register_test(%{module: mod, file: file, line: line}, test_type, name, tags) do
tags =
(tags ++ tag ++ describetag ++ moduletag)
|> normalize_tags
|> validate_tags
|> Map.merge(%{
line: line,
file: file,
registered: registered,
async: async,
describe: describe,
describe_line: describe_line,
test_type: test_type
test = %ExUnit.Test{name: name, case: mod, tags: tags, module: mod}
Module.put_attribute(mod, :ex_unit_tests, test)
Registering a test encompasses gathering all the needed info about the said test and fitting it nicely into a structure representing that test (via ExUnit.Test
). Then we add that test to the accumulating module attribute @ex_unit_tests
will be responsible for requiring all of the test files in parallel, registering each test.
Back to CT.require_and_run/3
. Long story short, ExUnit.Runner.run/2
gets called with ex_unit
’s current configuration options (via the async Task we mentioned) and the purpose for that is to have the runner ready to handle parallel compilation, as we discussed.
alias ExUnit.EventManager, as: EM
def run(opts, load_us) when (is_integer(load_us) or is_nil(load_us)) and is_list(opts) do
{:ok, manager} = EM.start_link()
{:ok, stats_pid} = EM.add_handler(manager, ExUnit.RunnerStats, opts)
config = configure(opts, manager, self(), stats_pid)
EM.suite_started(config.manager, opts)
loop(config, :async, 0)
EM.suite_finished(config.manager, run_us, load_us)
stats = ExUnit.RunnerStats.stats(stats_pid)
defp configure(opts, manager, runner_pid, stats_pid) do
Enum.each(opts[:formatters], &EM.add_handler(manager, &1, opts))
Among other things, ExUnit.EventManager
is started and a handler for test statistics is added (ExUnit.RunnerStats
), as well as for each formatter (by default ExUnit.CLIFormatter
is an incredible piece in all of ex_unit
’s design. It is the mechanism through which you can hook into the various callbacks the testing framework provides to know when events such as :test_started
, :test_finished
, :max_failures_reached
and so on happened. It leverages :gen_event
and DynamicSupervisor
to notify the various handlers whenever a relevant event occurs.
Note #3
is what powers the simplicity of, e.g., junit_formatter
which we all love so much to have nice JUnit-like formatting of our tests in build systems like Jenkins. Implementing it is a breeze thanks to the simple callback functions this formatter needs to handle.
Continuing on ExUnit.Runner.run/2
, ExUnit.EventManager
is notified for :suite_started
and the holy loop
When it reaches the end the event manager (EM
) is notified for :suite_finished
, tests stats are collected, event manager is stopped and “after suite” callbacks get called. But what exactly is happening in that loop?
Holy test loop
This is where everything comes together.
defp loop(config, :async, taken) do
available = config.max_cases - taken
cond do
# No modules available, wait for one
available <= 0 ->
wait_until_available(config, :async, taken)
# Slots are available, start with async modules
modules = ExUnit.Server.take_async_modules(available) ->
spawn_modules(config, modules, :async, taken)
true ->
modules = ExUnit.Server.take_sync_modules()
loop(config, modules, taken)
From ExUnit
, we get a hint at what is happening in the top line.
* `:max_cases` - maximum number of tests to run in parallel. Only tests from
different modules run in parallel. It defaults to `System.schedulers_online * 2`
to optimize both CPU-bound and IO-bound tests;
So here we’re choosing the number of modules we should take to run in parallel. If we don’t have any slots available, we wait. That’s not the case. Given we’ve taken no modules yet, we’ll start by taking double the number of online schedulers the BEAM provides us (8
in my machine). We start with async modules, as it is (again) hinted in the comments.
We get the modules to be run first by calling ExUnit.Server.take_async_modules/1
, which in turn runs the appropriate handle_call/3
defmodule ExUnit.Server do
def take_async_modules(count) do
timeout = Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :module_load_timeout)
GenServer.call(@name, {:take_async_modules, count}, timeout)
def handle_call({:take_async_modules, count}, from, %{waiting: nil} = state) do
{:noreply, take_modules(%{state | waiting: {from, count}})}
defp take_modules(%{waiting: {from, count}, async_modules: modules} = state) do
{reply, modules} = Enum.split(modules, count)
GenServer.reply(from, reply)
%{state | async_modules: modules, waiting: nil}
These modules are handed over to the calling process by means of calling GenServer.reply(from, reply)
. Notice the modules are retrieved from ExUnit.Server
’s running state. But how did the modules get there in the first place?
This is one of those Aha! moments. Stay with me.
def __after_compile__(%{module: module}, _) do
if Module.get_attribute(module, :ex_unit_async) do
Remember ExUnit.Case
? It defines an __after_compile__
hook on each test module to conditonally add it in a sync or async fashion to the test suite (via ExUnit.Server
As test modules are being compiled, they’re being added to ExUnit.Server
and then picked up by the same ExUnit.Server
when some other resource requests it a specific amount of modules to take (i.e., for which to run its tests).
The holy loop continues until we’re left with sync modules only. You can explore the code to understand exactly at what moments (and how) messages are passed between processes to guarantee all tests are run and failures are guaranteed to be safely bubbled up to the user.
The crux of it though is understanding exactly how a test ends up running. It happens in the private function ExUnit.Runner.exec_test/1
defp exec_test(%ExUnit.Test{module: module, name: name, tags: context} = test) do
apply(module, name, [context])
kind, error ->
%{test | state: failed(kind, error, prune_stacktrace(__STACKTRACE__))}
Running the test entails apply
ing a function from the test module given that test context. The function that is called gets defined by the test
macro. The name of that function is given by the name you gave to that specific test (e.g., :"removes the item from the queue"
Inside each of the test
s we define, we use assert
to confirm the behaviour we expect from our tests. As you can probably guess by now, assert
is the macro (with different variations) that will cause the test to either raise an error or not.
If running the test fails, we catch the error and tag the test as a failure. Otherwise, nothing to see here. We move along returning the test back without changing its state
, which as we’ve previously seen in ExUnit.CLIFormatter
means it was a success.
All tests run. Macros and spawned processes in a perfectly orchestrated dance of messages and pattern-matching. The test suite ends. Failures are reported back to the user. Analyse, fix, rinse and repeat until green.
ExUnit is a hell of a framework, and I say that in the best possible way.
Even though we went in a bit deep on this blog post, we’ve only touched a small part of what ExUnit does and how it achieves it. There are plenty of optional switches available. Analysing each would take us through lots of different areas of the codebase and would have us learn much more!
I hope I was able to show you how ExUnit takes the most out of Elixir and the BEAM. It leverages the “Lispy” macro system from Elixir while also taking advantage of processes and message passing between them to achieve a highly concurrent solution for running our tests in a greatly optimized manner. On top of that, the testing framework provides callback mechanisms that allow you to hook into the process (pun not intended) of running the tests, which can open a myriad of possibilities.
I have looked deeply into how ExUnit works because I have this idea for a project. I have learned about mutation testing a while back. First in a Ruby meetup here in Portugal where someone presented about mutant
. Then a colleague of mine talked again about it at a Tech Catchup (a tech event we do at the company I work at, Onfido). And most recently, a friend of mine presented about it and talked about how they’re using it at the company he works at, this time using the JVM-specific pitest
framework. I have something in the works, very rough at this point in time for our beloved Elixir. More news soon… maybe?
This tweet from Andrea Leopardi (@whatyouhide
) helped me try out hypothesis by quickly changing the Elixir source code for ExUnit locally (i.e., in my machine) using asdf
, ultimately contributing to my understanding of some details of the workflow of ExUnit.